Building your online presence
This week we will be talking about Website Design, and the ins and outs of how your blog, website etc, can effect the crowd your reaching and the crowd that stays once you've reached it.
One thing that can alter your design is font, colors, headings, and images. On a personal note I know that a website that is minimal but eye catchy will keep me interested longer than a jumbled mess of too many things going on at once.
The beauty of websites as mentioned in Roy Rosenzweigs's chapter on Getting Started , is that they are ever evolving. Unlike print, things can be edited with a snap of a finger, layouts can be changed to appeal the masses, and if something is just completely wrong in can be gone in an instant. (Even though we all know nothings ever really gone on the internet) What Rosenzweig also points out is that web pages allow for the same level of input from people as print does. Often people can find the internet cold and uninviting but to think that a human somewhere is constantly curating a website or blog for you and the others who view it makes you feel special, even if you are only 1 of the millions of other people who visit it daily.
Now, when it comes to final projects trying to find the best way to present your information can be hard. Figuring out how you can get from point A to point B while still providing a professional level of work and also entertaining people with interesting knowledge and fun facts. Because who doesn't love fun facts, personally I love them and I find them to be the key to sucking people further into the real information you want them to absorb. Other things that can help this are:
- Pictures
- Videos
- Book suggestions
- Website suggestions
Basically anything that will lure your reader deeper into your topic.
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