GIS and History
GIS has revolutionized the world of history, being able to apply data and information to maps allows for even more information and knowledge to be gained. By inputting data into a map it shows the reader to have a deeper understanding of what they are studying. The National Park Service has an entire GIS program, the NPS maps a wide variety of locations including graveyards, National Parks, battlefields, and many other places. They have multiple groupings that make up the entire GIS program, a land resource division, a cultural resource, inventory and monitoring, etc. Some may think that mapping a graveyard or battlefield isn't important but all that information can be used to create computer programs and interactive maps. Here is a PowerPoint Presentation that the NPS created to show how they create a GIS map for a cemetery, this is a great resource to grasp a better understanding of the benefits and ins and outs of GIS.
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